The new iphone for Verizon.
I have waited so very long.
Almost all the people I talk to use Verizon, so I couldn't get an iphone before because we'd all have to pay for our calls to one another. Also, I hear that the "other" network's service is very spotty. I've had a Macbook Pro laptop for a few years now (and love it), but getting it to sync up with my current phone has been a bear. The iphone should solve that. An added bonus is that I won't have to carry around a phone AND an ipod.
Are any of you planning to get the new iphone? It's available February 10, but I probably won't get one until later in the spring as all available funds are being funneled into the house project right now. Let me know if you get one. I'd love to hear what you think of it.
ARGH!I hate the iPhone. Maybe it's an Alaska thing, but everyone up here hates them. I don't have one, I have a phone, and we have been trying to see if we can live with just 1 phone. Anyway, I understand that there are chronic calendar and email issues. I don't know if that is an Outlook/Microsoft compatibility issue, or just a problem in general.