November 2, 2010

Catch-Up Time

    I have so missed reading blogs and playing with my blog. Last week was incredibly busy, but also very fun. It was Spirit Week, so every day I had to come up with some sort of appropriate outfit/costume for the boys and me to wear. Thursday was Costume Day at school, then tennis lessons after school, then back into costumes for downtown trick-or-treating. Also, I was in charge of Homecoming at our little school. It came off without a hitch Friday night - the girls were lovely, stood exactly where I told them to at practice, smiled and didn't fall out of their convertibles during the parade. Our guys also won the game. YEAH!

   All of the above means one thing: I am SO behind on everything: laundry, lesson plans, housecleaning, Bible study, Days of Our Lives.  I'm going to try and get myself organized and post something here by the end of the week. Here's hoping you are all doing well...


  1. I'm falling behind too. I might actually have to go grocery shopping this week since I've run out of peanut butter.

  2. I've been playing catch-up after getting behind, too. I feel ya!

    Tagged you in yesterday's post. =)


I would love to know what you think about this. My policy: Keep it family-friendly.